Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Right Eye Update

Monday at noon Doug was working on some metal with Curtis at the shop and he got some tiny metal shavings in his eye. Now Doug's eyes are used to dirt, grime, oil and grain dust, but it was hurting real bad so they took him to the clinic in town. The Dr and I both looked at his eye with the dye, black light, and magnified glass and we could see multiple scratches and "foreign objects" in there. The Dr assumed that they had worked their way out and he has fine. He taped his eye shut and sent him home saying it should be 100% better with in 24 hours.

Next day... still red and irritated, but Doug wouldn't agree and he went to work. This morning, it was still hurting so we headed back into the clinic and saw a different doctor. We looked at it again and the Dr said he didn't feel comfortable working on his eye and sent us to an eyedoctor in town. Dr. Matsura took out 5 foreign objects, not just the one we could see and he wants Doug to come back in tomorrow to see if the last one will work itself out a little more.

Poor Doug got gouged in the eye like 8 times at the eye doctor and then they dialated his eye and put a contact in to help it heal, all of which is totally new to Doug since he's only been to the eye doctor once in his life. He's at home resting now, his eye looks pretty bad and he is milking this for all that its worth!

I won't post pics, since his eyes look scary (one dialated and one not) but just think about how Will Smith looks on the movie Hitch after he has the alergic reaction! haha- there's a visual for ya! Other than Doug's eye, we are doing great! They started cutting grain yesterday and we are looking forward to a busy couple of months.


Whitney & Charlie said...

Sorry about your eye Doug! Let's us know if you guys need anything. Good luck with the coming harvests!

Anonymous said...

Oh man! It turned out to be a lot worse than what you told me monday! Give doug our best! And thanks again for going to lunch w/us on Monday! It was so good to see ya.

lindseylikes said...

Holy Crap. OHWW. Tell Duog that we hope he feels better.