Monday, April 14, 2008

Settlers of Catan

After playing Settlers in PA with Al and Amber, we decided we should "invest" in the game as well. We went ahead and got both the original game and the extension so we can play with up to six people. We ordered it off ebay and it came in like 2 days! I told Doug it was an early birthday present, but i wasn't going to wait ill my birthday to open it!

Last night Doug and I played settlers with Jeff, Lyndsey and Curtis. We taught Jeff and Lyndsey how to play on Friday and then enjoyed enough to come play again with us! Now, i don't normally make a post about us playing a game on Sunday afternoon (its a pretty regular activity) but i had to make a post about settlers because i WON! I have played with game quite a number of times and this was the first time that i finally got 10 victory points! And i must mention that i did it all without the longest road, largest army or any victory point cards! Want to play? Give us a call, we are glad to pull it out anytime!


Steph said...


Nathan & Ashley Leavitt said...

i seriously love that game! its one of my most favorite. :)