As I am the primary chorister in our ward, I get the oppurtunity to sit back and watch sharing time while I catch my breath for senior primary singing time. Junior primary is my favorite because the things they say just make me grin! Here is what I have learned in primary while we were talking about prayer the last two sundays.
Sis. Primary Leader: Do you think if I prayed for a million dollars Heavenly Father would give it to me?
Visitor: No.
Sis. Primary Leader: Why not?
Visitor: Because all rich people get greedy within 10 days of getting rich!
Sis. Primary Leader: Okay.......... so Heavenly Father doesn't always give us the answer we want, but he always answers our prayers, doesn't he?
WHAT? My friend Rachel, the primary pianist, and I were laughing out loud at this comment! And then today the kids were brainstorming places they can pray and times they can pray. The list was taking up the whole chalk board and some of the places you can pray were pluto, the bathroom, and Disneyland. The following conversation took place:
Sis. Primary Leader: Do you think this is all of the places you can pray or do you think there are more?
5 year old: No. There are at least 3,000 more.
Sis. Primary Leader: That's right. There's at least 3,000 more.
Oh the things these kids say just crack me up sometime and make me enjoy my calling so much more. You might not think these things are funny- maybe you just had to be there but I learned so much this week in primary.