So Blake and I are watching the beginning of the Americal Idol Finale. Blake is dancing along as well- haha! Anyways- i must admit that this is the first season in American Idol that i have actually picked up the phone and voted. Same for Doug. We have both been voting for David Archuleta, he's our favorite! Maybe its cause he's mormon, maybe cause he can actually sing, or maybe cause you just wanna pinch his cheeks cause he's so naive. As we anxiously await the announcement of the winner we will be spraying and pulling weeds. We seriously can't be sitting here to two hours just to find out the last name of the winner! Anyways, I guess this post is just to annouce that if Achuleta doesn't walk away with the title, we will never watch American Idol again!
So I guess you aren't watching American Idol anymore...sad! I was pretty shocked and sad to see that Cook won...lame.
I'm with you on this one...! This is the first time I have actually watched it, and I wanted David Archuletta to win...and he didn't!! UGH...this show is SO overrated! haha anyways...i left a couple comments sporatically through your page...only on the visible posts, tho! haha just so you know...and Blake is SO SO cute! We should get together for lunch or something one of these days (in the next two weeks before I leave Pocatello for good) give me a call when you're available! 435.232.8756
Holy Cow, Lar. I haven't checked your blog for a couple of weeks and then you put about 40 post on! I love all of them. I think your house looks great. I can't wait to see it in person. I think Blake is a cutie! I love the pix with him and he has a headband in his hair. So cute! AND I think Archuletta was a great singer, but I think Cook has a sexy voice and will be able to do more things ie. record deals and stuff. So there you go. hahaha! love ya!
well I was totally going to brag about visiting your blog first until I saw that you added us to your friends and family list, you are too quick for me. love your blog, Blake is too cute!!!
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